Mimpian Jadi Resort, Tuaran

At first I wanted to go to Pantai Dalit (Dalit Beach). Somehow I lost and found this Mimpian Jadi Resort on the highway from Tuaran to Sulaiman. To reach there, you need to drive through a narrow gravel road for more than 5 minutes. You will see lot of mangrove forest, swampy land, rivers next to the road. To me, it is kind of fun.

It was Monday and so quiet that I saw no guest. The resort is built near to a sandy white beach. I also would like to try out the Polarising filter for my camera. This filter acts like a sunglass that can block excessive sunlight comes into our camera, so the picture is more color-rich and not being washed out by the hash light. The outcome is quite good. That’s why the picture below is color-saturated.

I also snapped a photo of their guest houses. The shadows of the coconut trees paint a very interesting pattern on the greenish grass. The “tropical” feel is so lovely.

Then I go to their beach to take more photo. I used Photoshop to make the grass greener. I like its simplicity and sense of harmony.

The photo below is a “unique” collection to me. Actually it is a drain next to the resort, with thick layer of algae floats on the water. The sunlight shined through the tree leaves and lotus, forming a interesting mix of shadows on the green surface. Cool huh?

I walked nearly 1 km away from the resort to see this small “lake”. During low tide, the water was trapped here, together with some organic stuffs such as soil and leaves, so it got darker color. Note the beautiful long strentch of sandy white sand which separates it from the blue sea.

They have a few interesting statues in the garden. This is the first time I came to Mimpian Jadi Resort. If you expect a lot of privacy with your loved one, here is quite a cool place. I think they also have a golf field so you can play both types of golf. I remember one of my friends said the mating, no sorry… I mean match-making companies run their programme here.

Nobody was on the beach. I could even swim nakedly. But I found the sea waves were quite strong and scary. From a far distance, it looks like thousands of white snakes crawling. I took a video clip. You can check it out.

Photos taken in Tuaran, Sabah, Malaysia Borneo

10 thoughts on “Mimpian Jadi Resort, Tuaran

  1. mathew

    in fact I be plan to be doing reunion of old friend, might be as many as 40 people, package you be able to offer for us, for example accommodation long two days and three night, lunch or other packages?..maybe by ealy of next year


    Sebagai pengunjung di Mimpian Jadi Resort baru-baru ini, ingin menyatakan kekesalan terhadap sesetengah pihak pengurusan yang memberi perkhidmatan yang kurang memuaskan dengan menunjukkan perlakuan yang kurang disenangi.

    Diharap pihak syarikat atasan mengambil serius akan hal ini kerana ini akan menjejaskan reputasi Mimpian Jadi Resort kepada pelanggan lain yang akan berkunjung ke resort ini.

    Sekian, terima kasih.

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    Been there last few days. The room was comfortable. Even though that room recommended for 2 pax it’s big enough for even more than 4 pax..hehe.


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