Horror Hotel

Most of the hotels in Sabah are quite ok. Since I travel a lot, sometimes I come across a few that really unbearable. If you want to make a horror movie, you can consider the hotel below in Lahad Datu. The way to this room is so dark.

Seem like nothing is new in this room. The minute you walk in, you feel like shit.
Horror Hotel

The bathroom looks like the one always appeared in horror movie and murder scene. The bath tub likes the one used by people who commit suicide (in movie and TV). Feel so depressed seeing it..
Horror Hotel

Sex advertisement near the bed. Too bad for girls only. Wonder why they don’t remove it.
Horror Hotel

Of course I didn’t stay there. It costs RM40 per night. But this is not the worst hotel I saw. To see the worst one, check out my previous blog. It was a hotel in Sipitang.

Family-Friendly Adventures

5 thoughts on “Horror Hotel

  1. the worst hotel i’ve ever been in is in sandakan. it was as bad as the above, plus cockroaches can be seen scurrying across the floor………

  2. Should have let me know before you go LD. I can show you some better hotels to stay in …. The one you showed was totally shit ! hahahaha

  3. AhTak, ya lor. should have let you know first. i will go to danum valley next month. so it is still not too late that you recommend good places to stay. 🙂

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