Crabs Love Seafood Too

Nature world is a cruel world. Big eats small. Strong kills weak. Due to limited food supply in mangrove forest, it is very common that big crab prey on the smaller of its kind. Though the photos below are not colorful, I can feel the lives in them strongly. I especially like the first one and make it my wallpaper.

Big Crab Eats Small Crab
Small Crab: “Don’t kill me please. I got 4 old mothers and 7 old fathers to take care.”
Big Crab: “You are such a BIG liar. You deserve to die!”

Big Crab Eats Small Crab
Small Crab: “I also got 1,503 children who need me badly…”
Big Crab: “Just shut up and say cheese to the camera.”

Yeah, I know you will say that you have sick of reading my blog about crabs. Heheh… I am a “Crab King” now. In fact, one publisher has contacted me for using my fiddler crab photos in their new book. Hopefully can make it. Seriously, if I got enough stories and photos, I will setup another blog that only talks about Borneo mangrove forest.

FYI, my next target is a green snake. I have been looking for it for weeks but still no luck. But I take other good photos along the way.

Thanks to Dr Chris Glasby from Darwin, Australia! Finally I know the identity of the bugs I posted in my Creepy Beauty blog. You may check out the last paragraph for the answers.

Family-Friendly Adventures

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