I can’t wait to post this blog coz the children are so cute and lovely. The older I am, the more I like looking at children. Coz from them, I could find the traits that I had lost since I became an adult. They are also a good source of “positive” energy, making us forget about many negative bad things happen in our daily lives.

These photos were taken during the 2nd Annual Concert and Graduation of the Psalms and Smart Reader Kids in Centre Point Sabah’s Palm Square, on Oct 29. A group of children were showcasing their talents on stage. When I got there, I didn’t expect any surprise. But I was really touched by what I saw next. Those children were performing whole-heartedly. Not only their talent, their innocent smile and laugh are contagious, making everyone around there feeling warm and happy. This is the first time I find that children are one of the best photography target. I am really sad that my poor photo-shooting skill could not help me to capture all the wonderful moment.
I was truly wishing anyone of these talented kids is my child. If I were their parent, I will be so proud of them. Hope their happiness can pass on to you, through the photos below. Enjoy… (sorry, I know the page loading would be slow..)

Photos taken in Centre Point Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Borneo
who is carol? ‘carol’ has that really cool looking ‘blur’ look. how old are they smokehead 6-7?
It is a dance for the 50s oldies song “Oh! Carol”. They were waiting for their turn to perform. All the performers are between 3 to 12 years old.
ok…Smoke Head, I suppose now is your time to start a family.. 🙂
Hehe… to be honest, I like to see kids but that does not mean I like to have one.. But if… I “accidentally” got one, I wish it’s a girl.
when small cute cute.. when bigger.. wah… headache for 20 years
No Komen….
Tiada komen tak yah lah submit. >_>
HI! I am one of the children in the photograph. Particularly the one wearing a white baju kurung with pink flowers. HAHA I had no idea I’d see this here. This is a very good photograph. I was just 5 years old at the time and am now 23. Time flies.
What a surprise. 😀 I also didn’t expect someone would discover their photos here in my blog 20 years later. I can send you the photos if you want to.