Guess what is the name of the animal below: The photo was not taken from the Ultraman TV program. The answer is Mud Whelks (Nassarius …
Travel guides to Sabah, Malaysia Borneo
See cool and weird animals of Sabah Borneo
Wasp is a strange insect that looks like a combination of ant and bee. Unlike bee, it usually flies alone and looks harmless. Most of …
Guys, I would like to introduce you a friend who has smooth skin and slim body. Happy or not? Mangrove Skink (Emoia atrocostata) is one …
Girls… be careful if you find an ant on your dress, it could be a SPIDER!!! Hahaha… scare or not? This cool ant, no… I …
This bug is really a good house builder. As you can see in the pictures below, it can bind three leaves tightly together without using …
Nature world is a cruel world. Big eats small. Strong kills weak. Due to limited food supply in mangrove forest, it is very common that …
More weird creature brought to you by Smoke Head. I think you all have seen the slug (a.k.a. Running-Nose Bug. Named after its wet and …