unripe banana

Banana as Vege

Banana is one of the most popular fruit in the world. People use banana fruit in making cake, dessert, ice-cream, etc.

banana tree

But, do you know that other part of banana tree is edible too?

monkey on banana flower bud
In Malaysia, banana bud is a delicacy and even monkey knows it.

cutting banana trunk

However, in Miki Survival Camp in Kota Belud, I learn that banana trunk is edible too!

Family-Friendly Adventures

cutting banana trunk

Not the whole trunk is edible though, first you need to remove the outer layer of banana trunk to get its core (the edible part). The banana “core” is so smooth and white that it looks like a PVC plastic pipe.

core of banana trunk
preparing banana dish
Then cutting the core into smaller pieces and pull out the thread-like fiber in the core, otherwise it will taste sticky and weird.

banana trunk cooked with coconut milk
At last cook it with coconut milk and a banana vege is ready to be served. Though it is not my favorite, it tastes ok. For those who lose in jungle, they can consume the banana trunk after they finish the banana. This can save their lives.

You may watch the 1-min video below:

My grandfather and mother were used to feed the pigs with banana trunk too in old day. They take the whole banana trunk and chop it into pieces then cook it with husk and other unwanted stuffs.

So, is banana a fruit or vegetable?

Photos taken in Sabah, Malaysia Borneo

2 thoughts on “Banana as Vege

  1. Yeah, it is edible. I used to eat it a lot when I was a kid. We usually cook it with sardine and served hot. One of my favs back then. Banana will be more considered as a fruit instead of vegetable I guess. 😀

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