Mangrove Anemone

Mangrove Anemone

I was taking a mangrove walk at Kota Kinabalu Wetland Centre. I found some semi-transparent and jelly-like buds under a mangrove tree. Whenever I passed by, I always kept an eye on that spot for snakes and other animals. I guess they are new residents coz I never saw them.


When the water (high tide) ran over them, the buds opened and looked like anemone. This is interesting coz I never see anemone grows in mangrove forest. I wonder when and how these sea creatures set their foot there.


Anyway, they are nice looking though they are smaller than a thumb. Very hard to photograph them coz they were under running water and there was reflection.


Family-Friendly Adventures

Anyone knows what species it is? It is a Striped bead anemone if I am not mistaken.


Photos taken in Kota Kinabalu Wetland Centre, Sabah, Malaysia Borneo

3 thoughts on “Mangrove Anemone

  1. DA, in the entry of boardwalk, turn to left and walk til a small bridge. u will c it at your right hand side. have fun.

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