Title: Sazau Dance
Format: Windows Media Video
Length: 1 min
Description: A dance by Kadazan people from Papar.
It is originated from a ritual named Madsuwau, with the
purpose of praising the Dapu or Tajau spirit.
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Title: Magunatip Dance
Format: Windows Media Video
Length: 1 min
Description: A popular dance by Murut in Tenom and Keningau districts.
It is performed during celebration or welcoming guests of honour.
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Title: Sumazau Dance
Format: Windows Media Video
Length: 1 min
Description: Performed by Kadazan Penampang to worship Bambaazon (Padi Spirit).
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Title: Gong (audio only)
Format: Windows Media Audio
Length: 30 sec
Description: The music of Gong.
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Title: Gong 2 (audio only)
Format: Windows Media Audio
Length: 40 sec
Description: The music of Gong.
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